Permanent lighting design

Permanent lighting design

City of lighting Design and Art

The Copenhagen Light Festival is based on a flourishing and competent light art & design environment with strong traditions, providing space for growth and creating activities that increase the enthusiasm for the city’s space. The festival creates and collects light experiences in urban spaces and unconventional places for a large and wide audience – with an eye for upcoming talents and surprises and at an internationally high level.Copenhagen is full of lighting design and art, that you have might not discovered. Copenhagen Light Festival invites you to enjoy each and everyone of it, while you’re out in the city at night time.

Amagerværket (Power Plant)
Speirs Major with Gottlieb Paludan Architects

At the end of Vindmøllevej, past CopenHill. Best seen from Vindmøllevej or from Lynetten Marina at Refshalevej.

Photo: Allan Toft

The powerplant is fueled with sustainable wood, reflected in the façade logs and even a small, live forest on the viewing platform on the roof. At night, the gently animated, organic façade lighting suggests a connection to the forests. From sunset to midnight all year.


Smedetoften 12-14
2400 København NV

Byrummet er tegnet af 1:1 Landskab
Anlagt af Sven Bech A/S
Lysdesigner, arkitekt Merete Madsen fra MOE
Konstruktionen er tegnet af Eduard Troelsgård ingeniører
Bygherre: Københavns Kommune/Områdefornyelse Nordvest

Billederne er taget af: Rune Birkvad Sørensen


Bispebjerg Kirkegård

2400 København NV

VEGA landskab, totalrådgiver og landskabsarkitekter
Eduard Troelsgaard, rådgivende ingeniører
Lightscapes Aps, lysmager
Ebbe Dalsgaard, hovedentreprenør
Københavns Kommune/Områdefornyelse Nordvest, bygherre

Murermester Kim Cordsen, murerarbejder
Smedemester Gert Bomholt, smedearbejder
Armaturer og installation: Lightconstructor (linjelys), Citelum/iGuzzini (spots i mast)

Billedet er taget af: VEGA landskab

Cykelslangen (“Bicycle Snake”)

Cykelslangen, 1560 Copenhagen V



Brønshøj Vandtårn

Brønshøj Husum Lokaludvalg in collaboration with Kulturhuset Pilegården and Foreningen Brønshøj Vandtårn.

The installation is lit in the darkest months of the year: November –  February.

Brønshøjvej 29,
2700 Brønshøj


Little Sun Light Swarm
– Olafur Eliasson

Tivoli, Vesterbrogade 3, 1630 København V


Orb Family

– Pipaluk Supernova and Thomas Jørgensen

Emil Holms Kanal by KUA, 2300 København S



– Sweco

February 1 – 24 (permanent- dynamic lighting)
Underpass, under Tomsgårdsvej from Hovmestervej, 2400 Copenhagen N

Skuespilhuset (Royal Danish Playhouse)

– Jesper Kongshaug

Sankt Annæ Plads 36, 1250 Copenhagen K

Tivoli Hjørnet (Tivoli Corner)

Fotograf: Roberto Fortuna
Corner of Bernstorffsgade and Vesterbrogade, 1630 København V



– Karoline H Larsen

Blågårds Plads, 2200 København N


– Karoline H Larsen

Blågårds Plads, ved biblioteket, 2200 København N