
Copenhagen Light Festival lægger stor vægt på pålideligheden og nøjagtigheden af ​​dataene på sin hjemmeside. Unøjagtigheder og udeladelser kan forekomme. Copenhagen Light Festival er ikke ansvarlig for skader, der skyldes forkert eller ufuldstændig information, eller for skader, der skyldes problemer forårsaget af eller iboende i formidlingen af ​​information via Internettet, såsom fejl, afbrydelser, fejl eller forsinkelser i formidlingen af ​​information eller tjenester fra Copenhagen Light Festival, eller af dig til Copenhagen Light Festival via dets hjemmeside eller på anden elektronisk måde. Derudover påtager Copenhagen Light Festival sig ikke ansvar for skader, der er lidt på grund af brugen af ​​information, rådgivning eller ideer leveret af eller på vegne af Copenhagen Light Festival via dette websted.

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Copenhagen Light Festival pays the utmost attention to the reliability and accuracy of the data on its website. Inaccuracies and omissions may occur. Copenhagen Light Festival is not liable for any damages resulting from incorrect or incomplete information, nor for any damage resulting from problems caused by or inherent in the dissemination of information via the Internet, such as failures, interruptions, errors or delays in the provision of information or services by Copenhagen Light Festival, or by you to Copenhagen Light Festival via its website or other electronic means. In addition, Copenhagen Light Festival does not accept liability for damages suffered because of the use of information, advice or ideas provided by or on behalf of Copenhagen Light Festival via this website. Copenhagen Light Festival does not accept responsibility for the content of websites to which or from which a hyperlink is referred to.

Copenhagen Light Festival does not guarantee that it receives emails or other electronic messages in a timely manner and does not accept any liability for the consequences of a delay or failure to receive or process such matters.


The design of this Website, and the Website’s information, texts, graphics, photographs and illustrations (‘the Data’) are legally protected under the Copyright Act, the Database Act and other applicable legislation. Aside from any legally defined exceptions, nothing may be reproduced (including ‘framing’), made available to third parties or made public without the prior consent of Copenhagen Light Festival. Requesting and viewing of the Data is permitted for private individual use within the limits of the specified legislation.

To hyperlink to (any page of) this Website requires the prior consent of Copenhagen Light Festival. This will most likely be granted, unless the content, image or reputation of the guest website is not compatible with the name or reputation of the festival, its services or products or the content of this Website, as decided upon by Copenhagen Light Festival.

The names and logos on this Website are the property of Copenhagen Light Festival and its licensors. It is not permitted to use one or more of these images or logos on another website or elsewhere without the prior consent of Copenhagen Light Festival or the relevant licensor.


This is the Privacy Policy of Copenhagen Light Festival. In this statement we explain how we handle the personal information we obtain through this website.

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