Hosting an art piece

Hosting an art piece

If you are a cultural institution, organization or a municipality

If you are interested in hosting a lighting event or -installation and to be part of the official program and map, you are very welcome to contact the secretariat. You might be:

  • You have a building or place in Copenhagen and wish to host a light installation, which could be made specifically for you or be one of the installations already admitted during the open call.
  • You are a cultural institution situated in Copenhagen and see the potential in showing a (maybe already existing?) light installation and thereby increase your visibility and number of visitors
  • You are making an event with art, music, light etc in the winter months and wish to expand the PR level via more light
  • You are representing a municipality and wish to increase wellbeing, safety or set focus on sustainability via light
  • You don’t seem to fit the above examples, but want to host a light installation or event anyway

Your organization name and logo name will be displayed on our digital platforms, and your event/installation will be part of the secretariat’s active promotion toward national and international press and other organisations such as Visit Denmark.

If needed, the secretariat will connect you to potential artists and designers, as well as suppliers.

Copenhagen Light Festival 2022. Installation af Lumus Instruments.

Børsen · Dansk Erhverv
Copenhagen Light Festival 2022. Installation af Mads Buus og Alexander Clerici.