Copenhagen Light Festival Photo competition.
The 30 pictures nominated

You can now vote for the best photo for our “Street Award”. The winner will be announced at the end of the year.

We are happy to finally be able to share the 30 nominated photos for this year’s Copenhagen Light Festival Photo Competition
Follow the link to vote for the best photo for our “Street Award”

Fatamorgana School of Photography’s headmaster, teacher and supervisor Fryd Frydendahl has made the final nomination of the photos and had the following to add about the selected photos:
“When reviewing this year’s material, I was left with a sense of a common theme. The places where the submitted photos hit me the most were in the situations where there was an interaction between the light work, an environment or a person. The interaction became the bearers of the selection process:
It is a pleasure to see how the light affects the people who look at it, and how works that only exist during the time when darkness is on, form a framework for a too timeless state.
There are many good suggestions for the strongest work of works and it has been a pleasure to boil it all down a bit.”

All photos are selected based on the photo – all are included, anyone can send


The winner will be announced at the end of the year, but we will on-going inform about the position and exhibitions.