Copenhagen Light Festival/Foreningen Københavns Lysfestival policy on use of personal data.
We follow legislation on the protection of personal information.
Copenhagen Light Festival has received personal data from you via your registration for an event, newsletter registration, collaboration etc.
We use the information to send information about the Copenhagen Light Festival’s events, give and receive support, participate in optional surveys, etc.
For broadcasting the above, Copenhagen Light Festival uses subcontractors and partners to the extent necessary to provide their services to us.
If you have any questions about our processing of your information, you are always welcome to contact our secretariat.
You can contact our secretariat in the following ways:
T: 25556604
By letter:
Foreningen Copenhagen Light Festival/Københavns Lysfestival,
Toldbodgade 39, 1253 København K. CVR no. 40793232t