Deltag i fotokonkurrencen for Copenhagen Light Festival 2025!

Igen i år inviterer vi lysfestivalens gæster, til at dele billeder af jeres yndlings lysværker og stemningsbilleder fra jeres ture rundt i byen – med os og med en jury, som vil nominere 25 billeder, der samles i en fotoudstilling om Copenhagen Light Festival 2025.


Fotoudstillingen vises i løbet af 2025 hos forskellige af lysfestivalens partnere i København og hvert sted vil publikum kunne stemme på deres favoritbillede. Ved afslutning af hver udstilling præmieres den lokale vinder.


Forud for næste års lysfestival udnævnes og præmieres desuden en overordnet vinder, som modtager en CLF Photo Competition & Exhibition Award 2024.


HVORDAN: Send os dine billeder via e-mail til “
(maksimum 3 billeder pr. person) inden senest d. 15. marts kl. 22.00

Alle fotografer vil naturligvis blive krediteret.


Vi glæder os til at se jeres udvalgte billeder!

Join the photo competition for Copenhagen Light Festival 2025!

Once again, we invite the guests of the light festival to share pictures of your favorite light installations and atmospheric images from your visits around the city – with us and with a jury that will nominate 25 pictures,  all together presented in a photo exhibition about Copenhagen Light Festival 2025.

The photo exhibition will be displayed throughout 2025 at the location of various partners of the light festival in Copenhagen. At each location the audience will be able to vote for their favorite picture and at the conclusion of each exhibition, the local winner will be awarded.

Furthermore, ahead of next year’s light festival, an overall winner will be selected and awarded a
CLF Photo Competition & Exhibition Award 2024.

HOW TO: Email your photos to “
(maximum 3 photos per person).
Deadline: 15th March at 10PM.

All photographers will, of course, be credited.

We look forward to receiving your selected photos!