#4 Peace Ltd (CPH edition)
Af: Ilkka Paloniemi
Med bare en lille forvrængning i sit udtryk, får det ikoniske fredssymbol et radikalt anderledes budskab. I blinkende neon fremhæver værket, hvor skrøbelig fred kan være i en verden fyldt med misinformation, og opfordrer os til at reflektere over betydningen bag symboler.
Ilkka Paloniemi nævner:
“In this project for Copenhagen Light Festival we collected old and abandoned neon letters to make a site specific installation with Peace Ltd in the windows of Magasin du Nord. Oldest letter E, is from 1930’ies and we are giving a new life to it as part of art installation” (…) My latest reincarnation plan is to return as neon gas and be part of plasma in nebulas and stars, which make sense since estimated amount of plasma is over 99% of the matter in the universe”
Magasin du Nord
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